"You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think" -Christopher Robin

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Einstein 3 (a day late) and 4

I. Fail. Miserably.
It's day four and I've already missed a post. Oh well. You guys get two today!
From yesterday (11/18)
"Everything that can be counted does not necessarily count; everything that counts cannot necessarily be counted."
I LOVE this one. I know I'll probably say this about every single quote I pick, but it's so true.
Though things that can be counted may be nice, or may make everyday life simpler (appliances, gadgets, knick-knacks), it's not going to be something that will change your life or fix your personal faults. A nice oven is fantastic, but it's not going to make my tendencies to ignore the dirty cookie pans any less prominant.
In the same respect, things that really matter, things that change your life or your person for the better-they shouldn't be enumerated.
While social networking sites are wonderful ways of keeping in contact with loved ones, it's always struck me as odd that people brag about the number of friends they have on Facebook. The love and warmth of friendship isn't felt through the number of people on my friends list but rather our reactions to seeing each other after long periods of time on outings we set up on Facebook, or the jokes we share after long hours chatting away during the summer.
I guess my point is that even for a mathematician, numbers didn't matter in that way to Einstein. And I don't think they should matter to anyone else, either.
Day 4 (11/19)
"There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as if everything is a miracle."
In everything, you can see a work of God. That's my opinion. The way the flowers know how to open to the sun, the way water freezes from the top down because ice expands and has less density than liquid H2O... I could go on and on for days.
People don't have to believe in intelligent design to see the beauty and wonder surrounding us though. Anyone an be astounded by how perfectly the world works together, every ecosystem a puzzle that creates a puzzle piece to form the astonishing planet we live on.
To me, every work of nature is a work of God, and a miracle of life.

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